Sunday 29 December 2013

HAIR: My Take On Hair

Hair. I guess to many guys hair isn't as big as a deal as it is to women. Today, I'll blog about my own personal experiences regarding my hair. I don't want to say I've tried it all but I've had my fair share of hairstyles. My hair was relaxed at a tender age. I can't even remember how old I was. Growing up I only ever braided my hair or relaxed it. When I was in the seventh grade, my hair had gotten severely damaged so I had to cut it much to my dismay. That was the first ever time I had natural hair that I could remember.

I think about a year and a half later my hair had grown and guess what I did. I had it relaxed. I had no idea of natural hair care at the time so I opted for a relaxer hoping managing my hair would be easier and it was. Fastforward to December 2012 and there I am, again, getting my hair cut. Thus, my natural hair journey had began. Later in the year, I should think around July, I got yet another haircut. 

It's funny because many times you hear people saying, "I am not my hair" or "I am not defined by my hair". I've said that too. I've come to notice that a lot of people have enough to say about what's going on on your head. When I got my big chop last December, I got my fair share of unwanted attention. With that attention, came comments-some good and others down right rude. It's hard not to take some of these comments to heart. There were times when I felt low about my hair. I'm gaining more confidence now.

In my natural hair post ( I had mentioned that I have a little fro going on. I like to switch my hair up occasionally. I'll have braids one time, a weave the next and rock my little afro. Point is, shade will almost always be thrown at you on how you wear your hair. I guess you just have to do you. What you have on your head is your business. Just think of it as your "Hair Game".

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