Friday 13 December 2013


Hello. Been a while since I blogged. I got held up with exams the last two weeks and I took a week off to recuperate and get myself back together; exams can be draining. Any this  is a post I didn't plan for. I've been thinking of what to post the past few weeks and I was thinking of writing part two to my series. I won't be doing any of that today. Today, I am simply going to let it flow. I'm going to post what's running through my mind and the thoughts may not mesh well together but that's the essence of it. Let's just call it "organised disorganisation" as my high school teacher would say.

I've spent the past three days cooped up in my room. It's winter and I don't really feel like going outside. I studied the book Ethan Frome in my high school literature class and reference to a bleak winter climate on the human spirit was mentioned. I must agree, winter isn't quite the spirit uplifter. Anyway, today I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. This, i will mot blame on winter per se. Have you ever felt that you are too nice for your own being? That's what's got me mad today. Not to blow my own horn but I like to think I did something pretty nice and then got taken advantage of. Total downer if I must say. I believe it's things like this that get people nasty. I mean, you need something and somebody helps you out and then you screw them over. That's so not crew. I actually know a few people that have become this way because of such behaviour. Uggh >:(

I guess it's a lesson to myself. You can't just trust anyone. I mean, after an encounter like this I'm probably going to turn into the Grinch-not that I'll dampen Christmas spirit but I'll be more selective with who I'll help out. So, what's the purpose of this post? I guess it's to remind you that when somebody helps you out, don't take it for granted. You might just need another favour from that person and if you didn't make a good impression, chances are they're not going to help you even if they can.

With that said, y'all enjoy your Friday.

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