Saturday 21 December 2013

WRITING: Cost Effective Ways To Celebrate Christmas.

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Happy holidays. I trust you're feeling the Christmas spirit. If  not, you better it's just a few days from now. Three to be exact. Anyway, are you faced with financial trouble that you just don't know how you are going to spend the holiday? Here's a list of cost effective ways on how you can spend your Christmas.

1. Have a Christmas braii or cookout. 

I like this one especially because it's relatively cheap. All you need, is friends, food and music and you have yourself a little Christmas get together. You could even ask friends to bring a dish. That way, you'll have yourself a variety to choose from.

2. Go watch a free Christmas performance.

They say the best things in life are free. This Christmas, why not go watch a free performance. This could be at your local church, playhouse or mall near you. To make it more fun, go with friends, family or a loved one and be part of the Christmas cheer. After all, it's not a day you'd want to spend on your own.

3. Have a picnic!

I know, it's winter and not many people would want to be out in the cold. As crazy as a Christmas picnic sounds, it's a wonderful way to spend the holiday with people you love. I suggest checking the weather forecast before hand to be sure of the temperature and going during the day to enjoy what little warmth and sunshine might be available. The bright  side to this is that you get to enjoy nature and have yourself a breather. 

4. Host a Christmas movie screening.

In the comfort of your own home, you can have your friends and family over for a Christmas movie special. You could watch classics or anything that rocks your boat really. All you'll need for this are movies and snacks. Popcorn should do just fine. After that, you can play games like charades, monopoly or even twister and have yourselves a good laugh or two.

5. Go for dinner.

If you really want to go out for Christmas, why not go out for dinner. I know many of you already have that Christmas outfit you just want to show off. A dinner at a nice restaurant, preferably one you know, would be a great way to spend the holiday. If you are not one to spend time in the kitchen, this would work out just fine for you.

I hope these few suggestions have been helpful. Eventually, I trust you'll find something that will work best for you this Christmas. With that said, I wish you a happy holiday.

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