Thursday 7 November 2013

WRITING: The Resurrection.

Hello there. It's me again, back with yet another blog. So, my previous "blogging" career took somewhat of a break. Pretty much it was due to the fact that I experienced writer's block one too many times. Hopefully, I'll have better luck with this one. I kind of have this feeling that my creative juices are flowing. I hope I don't run out.

So, 'The Resurrection' is pretty much my return to blogging. My new blog-A to Z- is more or less about anything that goes on around me or happenings in my day-to-day life. I thought the name was convenient enough because A to Z are the letters of the alphabet and we do write with them after all, so it gives me room to pretty much talk about anything I see fit. I could talk about mashed potatoes and gravy for all I care, I joke :) Although I must say, I do feel quite optimistic this time around. Blogging might just become something I'll do more frequently. Despite the fact that I'm back at school now and will probably have tonnes of work to do, I think I could squeeze in a few posts here and there. I hope I still have my audience. If I remember correctly, I had my fair share of followers. Okay, a handful :) Hopefully, with this new blog it will get to two handfuls; a little optimism didn't kill nobody.

I guess that's about it for now. Until my next blog post, it's adios from me.


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1 comment:

  1. a little optimism doesn't kill only those who don't try fail
