Sunday 10 November 2013

WRITING: Guess who's back, Monday!

Happy Monday! I sound quite enthusiastic, don't I? Actually I'm not as hyped out as I sound but I did read somewhere that a positive outlook is the best way to start your day; it's about quarter to eight over here. Although I can be quite the grouch occasionally, I have come to realise that this does really help. 

So, come on now. Tell yourself today will be a good day. It might not turn out exactly as you hoped for but it will be a little better. Between you and me, it's best to try this on Mondays. I know for sure most of us aren't the biggest fans of this little fella. Besides, I have even more reason to dislike it because I have Statistics in the afternoon- the horror! Why did the ever introduce letters in Math? :(

Anyway, I'll quit my rant on Statistics here before I get too far. After all this post is not meant to be a downer. With that said, I wish you a happy Monday-again :)


  1. It's difficult to stomach the feeling of a Monday morning but then again it can be swallowed and digested, I know for certain my Monday will be a great day :)

    1. It is. Like you said though, the feeling can always be digested :)

  2. For some reason it's always been wednesdays that i've had trouble with. I'll try to enjoy this monday though. Good Monday to you too.
