Sunday 24 November 2013

FICTION: Love Story Part 1

Hello there. I know I haven't blogged in quite a while. I was down with a cold for about a week and school's been keeping me quite busy. So, it's winter. Okay, it's some-what winter time; the nights are quite chilly. Anyway, a while back I promised a three part series. Uhm, it took me quite a while to put two and two together and I think I now have something enjoyable for you. Here we go.

As Amy lay in bed staring at her ceiling, she wondered how her love life had ended up as it did. Ever since she moved towns she'd had her fair share of emotional turmoils. Right now she felt like she was on an emotional roller coaster which had temporarily stopped. For once, she felt like she could make sense of her "love story".


It all started when she moved to Dalesville and met Andrew. He seemed nice enough but she didn't feel the connection. He visited her often, called and got her a few gifts here and there. Eventually, it became something but she just didn't feel the way he did. Then one day she met James and she would never be the same again. Little did she know that James would become a recurring character in her life.


The months with Andrew went by and yet Amy still felt the same. She knew she had to do something, it was time she told Andrew she just didn't feel the way he did for her. Telling Andrew seemed so hard because he just wouldn't understand. She was patient with him, hoping one day he'll get just what she was saying to him. Eventually, she turned cold. She didn't want to but he made her do it. This was the only way she thought he'd understand. She found it unfair not only to him but herself as well to carry on with something that wasn't real.

Little did Amy know that Andrew was only part of the drama to come. Not too long after her fiasco with Andrew, she met Jake. He was tall, dark and handsome with piercing eyes that made him look both serious and thoughtful. She thought she had finally gotten it right with him. Maybe he was the one. He'd visit her and she'd visit him. They enjoyed each other's company what more could she ask for? Her fairy tale was short lived. She began to feel that Jake wasn't really in it. She too realized that nothing was going to happen between the two of them. It seemed like a mutual understanding developed between the two. Unspoken words, yet audible and understood. Eventually, they became and remained friends.


The return of James..

Thursday 14 November 2013

WRITING: What To Do Syndrome

Ever been plagued by the ‘what to do syndrome’? I bet you have and too often that most I happen to get hit by it. Although, I must say I have come to realize the cure to this little devil that tries to make your day as interesting as a parliamentary debate. It’s so simple, trust me. The best way to tackle this little booger is by finding yourself a good classic movie to watch.

Come on, we all have that one movie that never gets old. So prepare yourself, get some snacks if you wish and put in that classic. Trust me, your day might just get a little better. If you’re stuck with what to watch, think back to movies you loved as a kid; that’s sure to help. I do that quite a lot and it works just fine. And if you don’t have the movie with you, fear not because there’s always your trusty friend the internet!
If at all you still can’t find or think of any, here are a few of my all-time favorites. Please bear in mind that many of these are the suggestions of romantic-comedy enthusiast - me.

  • Titanic
  • While You Were Sleeping
  • Forest Gump
  • White Chicks
  • Cheaper By The Dozen
  • A Cinderella Story
  • Fast and Furious
  • Takers
  • Hangover
  • Brown Sugar
  • Love and Basketball
  • Man Of Steel

Tuesday 12 November 2013

FASHION: Aztec Print Leggings.

Aztec print leggings are a must have in your wardrobe. I bet you're probably thinking, “Aren't they only for summer?” No, they're not. These wonderfully patterned leggings can be worn both in winter and summer. So fear not, you can still have that edge and rock yourself a pair of these printed beauties.

Aztec Leggings in winter

We all know winter is dry and cold but a warm pair of Aztec pants should be able to keep you snug enough. Next time you go shopping, look for a cotton or wool pair and you should be good to go. Aztec print leggings paired with winter boots- combats being my favourite- or a trendy pair of pumps should help make the perfect outfit!

Aztec Leggings in summer

Summer time! What does that mean? Colour, colour, and more colour! Don’t be afraid to splash a little colour around. A brightly coloured pair of these coupled with a plain white tee or denim shirt can work as either the perfect date or casual outfit.

Aztec print leggings outfit I wore to school

Monday 11 November 2013


Phew! Boy am I exhausted. Today I finally took the stand and kicked procrastination to the curb. In the comfort of my little dorm room, I got round to doing some exercises. Believe me when I say this, it took more than I expected. I'm still recovering from it. Now that I'm done, I thought I'd share my workout experience with you. Hopefully, it will get a little better along the way.

So, if you're like me and have been thinking about a magical way to lose weight, I sorry to say this but you must forget. I know some of you  must be thinking I've only had one day of exercise and I'm not the best person to give workout advice. I must admit that I am not but I hope this post will encourage you to take that leap and do finally do something about it.

Today, I repeated the workout routine in the link below;

The workout concentrates on your abdominal area so bear that in mind. Although, I watched a video that said you can't only workout a particular area but your whole body. Try and incorporate jogging, jump rope and any other exercise that will require full body participation. With that said, I wish you the best of luck.

P.S. Have a killer workout playlist. It will definitely help

WRITING: No offence/ With all due respect

How many times have we heard that before? By that I mean the phrase "no offence" and "with all due respect". Funny thing is they are normally far from respective when used. I mean come on. No offence these days is pretty much like say, "I'm going to insult you now but please don't take what I have said to heart." The same goes for, with all due respect.

Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way. Let's just say we'll leave this as food for thought. You know, a little something for you to think about today. Maybe you have used the two phrases today. Think about how you used them and what context you used them in. 

FOOD: Cupcakes!

Hello good people :) Today I'd like to share with you a recipe I got off the internet on how to make cupcakes. Trust me, it's super easy and they come out absolutely delicious. I've made them a gazillion times and you have my word for it. Your days of running to the store are over. Now you can make your own batch of these pastry delights in the comfort of your own home. The following are what you'll need:
  • 3 cups of all purpose flour
  • 1 and a 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 3/4 teaspoon of salt
  • 12 tablespoons ( 1 and a 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 1 and a 1/2 cups of sugar
  • 4 large eggs
  • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 1 and a 1/4 cups milk
(You could add raisins to the mix)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

HAIR: Natural Hair Post!

Peekaboo, I see you. Okay, I need to work on my greetings. I'm trying to do something different and that was an epic fail. Oh, well. There's always the next post :) Like the title says, I'm going to do a natural hair post. I have natural hair myself; I have a little fro going on but I have braids on at the moment. I did the big chop last December and got another hair cut this summer holiday, I'd say in early July. Anyway, today I want to feature a friend of mine. She has natural hair too and happens to be rocking a killer looking fro.

This is how she achieved her look:
  1. Wash hair (she used 'Bed Head' Superstar Shampoo).
  2. Air dry hair until it is moist, not wet.
  3. Create castor oil, coconut oil, olive oil growth moisturiser and shea butter mixture
  4. Rub this into your moist hair
  5. Do little braids and leave them in (she had them in the whole weekend)
  6. Take out braids and style as desired
I hope this helps. Have a blessed day.

Sunday 10 November 2013

WRITING: Guess who's back, Monday!

Happy Monday! I sound quite enthusiastic, don't I? Actually I'm not as hyped out as I sound but I did read somewhere that a positive outlook is the best way to start your day; it's about quarter to eight over here. Although I can be quite the grouch occasionally, I have come to realise that this does really help. 

So, come on now. Tell yourself today will be a good day. It might not turn out exactly as you hoped for but it will be a little better. Between you and me, it's best to try this on Mondays. I know for sure most of us aren't the biggest fans of this little fella. Besides, I have even more reason to dislike it because I have Statistics in the afternoon- the horror! Why did the ever introduce letters in Math? :(

Anyway, I'll quit my rant on Statistics here before I get too far. After all this post is not meant to be a downer. With that said, I wish you a happy Monday-again :)

Saturday 9 November 2013

WRITING: Woes Of An Amateur Blogger

I can't remember what exactly inspired me to create my own blog but I'm glad I did. I've had about six blog posts so far, with this being the sixth. Writing these posts have been much easier than I expected. I had a little bit of a tough time keeping up with my previous blog. Curse you writer's block! Anyway, I'm back now with that zeal every newbie has and I'm pretty certain this time around I'll keep it up.

In as much as I've come to love blogging, I do find this thing quite difficult to use - the struggle! Imagine, I only got to customise my layout today! I added a little gadget right by the side of my posts. In due time I'll have myself a killer looking blog. At least I hope I will. I feel like a middle aged person that has recently purchased a piece of technology that I don't know how to use. I like to think you know what I mean. That's the best example I could think of. Yeah, so my creative juices may be lacking in the example giving department. 

I think this thing should come with an instruction manual. You know, something like 'Blogger For Dummies'. I would definitely get myself a copy. Matter of fact, it might just be there. After all, it seems like there are books on pretty much everything! Having said said that, I think this is my cue to leave. 

I'm gone, ~Poof~

FICTION: Coming soon.

Hello there. So, I want to do something different. I'm so excited, if only you could see me. A friend of mine suggested I try my luck at fictional writing and that's what I'm going to do. Basically, I'll write a three part series of a teenage girl who moves to a new town and finds herself in a whole lot of boy drama.

Fellas, be warned. This might get a little girly but I'm sure you'll find it quite enjoyable. Again, I'm super excited for this :D The first part of the series should be up real soon.

Friday 8 November 2013

MOVIES: Dear John


I watched 'Dear John' for the first time today. I know, I'm a few years late. Pardon me, I've been living under a rock for the past few years. Nevertheless. I still found the movie very enjoyable so I think my tardiness is excusable.

The thing I like the most would be the love John and Savannah had for each other despite him being away for so long and she eventually getting engaged. I must say, I loved how they first met and how their love grew over time. For those that have not watched the movie, they went out for two weeks before realising they were both in love with each other.

I may not have mentioned this but I'm quite the sap when it comes to a good love story or two. They have this way of making you feel like it's your very own fairytale. A girl can dream, cant she?

So, back to the movie. Their two week romance showed me that loves comes easily. If you are meant to be, it will definitely flow despite the amount of time you have known each other.

If I were to recommend a movie, this would definitely be it. Fellas, surprise your girl and have yourselves a movie night. Trust me, 'Dear John' would be the perfect movie to watch. You'll just have to trust this eighteen year old girl, me, on this one.

Thursday 7 November 2013


Thank God It's Friday! How many times have we heard that? Anyway, happy Friday. So, it's around eight in the morning and I'd thought I'd share a little humour to help keep you going today. Basically, I'll post a bunch of funny pictures I found online that just happen to be hi-la-ri-ous! Hope by the time you're done with them you'll be showing those pearly whites. If not a little smile should work just fine :) Alright then, here we go.

Rock, Paper, Scissors?

LOL humour.

Application letter? Nailed it!

Feline humour.

 Guilty dog.

 "I think I'm pregnant."

Modern couples.
 "I" generation.



 Stop fighting!

I'm safe here.


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WRITING: The Resurrection.

Hello there. It's me again, back with yet another blog. So, my previous "blogging" career took somewhat of a break. Pretty much it was due to the fact that I experienced writer's block one too many times. Hopefully, I'll have better luck with this one. I kind of have this feeling that my creative juices are flowing. I hope I don't run out.

So, 'The Resurrection' is pretty much my return to blogging. My new blog-A to Z- is more or less about anything that goes on around me or happenings in my day-to-day life. I thought the name was convenient enough because A to Z are the letters of the alphabet and we do write with them after all, so it gives me room to pretty much talk about anything I see fit. I could talk about mashed potatoes and gravy for all I care, I joke :) Although I must say, I do feel quite optimistic this time around. Blogging might just become something I'll do more frequently. Despite the fact that I'm back at school now and will probably have tonnes of work to do, I think I could squeeze in a few posts here and there. I hope I still have my audience. If I remember correctly, I had my fair share of followers. Okay, a handful :) Hopefully, with this new blog it will get to two handfuls; a little optimism didn't kill nobody.

I guess that's about it for now. Until my next blog post, it's adios from me.


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