Saturday 4 January 2014

WRITING: Instahater

Alo-ha! Today's post will be about "internet hating", mostly on Instagram. I'm on it myself and I happen to like it quite a lot. Besides that, I'm on a few other social networks; some of which I don't use so much. Today I am going to explain the phenomenon to you that is an "instahater".


I'll begin by answering the following questions:
  1. Who is an instahater?
  2. What is instahating?
For the first question: An instahater is somebody that may or not be following you but throws shades on your pictures.
For the second question: Instahating is the act of hating/throwing shade on pictures posted on instagram. This act can not only be carried out online but off the social network by word of mouth.

For those on instagram, I'm sure you've hated on a picture before. I don't mean leaving nasty comments but that does count. Honestly, I've never left a nasty comment on somebody's picture before. I just find that rude. I'd hate for somebody to do that to me. Besides, I think it takes a lot of energy to be nasty. If you don't like something, just scroll past it. If for some reason you are displeased with a post you can always state your views in a mature way or simply report it.

What I have done though, is some form of instahating. Let's say I see a picture and I know it looks good. You know, super pretty and all. I'll be like, 'It's not all that" roll my eyes and then say, "I'll like another picture instead." I'm female and I think I know the female thought process. Funny thing is that happened about two days ago. A picture was posted and I tried to critique it but I really couldn't. Guess what I did, I ended up liking it :)

That's all I have to say about the topic. Are these really internet terms? I don't know really. Although I wouldn't be surprised if they were. The idea for this post hit me a day ago and these terms kind of just came along with the idea. Anyway, I'll leave now before I start to ramble. Until my next blog post :)

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