Saturday 22 February 2014

WRITING: The Hustle

What's up? Eh, I said that in my head and aloud too. It didn't come out to good. Hey everyone. It's me, Poniso, you not so frequent blogger. I'm still working on my consistency. No lie, I've been super lazy of late and I don't like it. I guess that's what inspired this blog post.

Shall I begin? Well, for those of you who don't know I'm a university student doing my second year. So, I have no job but I thought it's high time I got myself one. I applied for a job and I'm waiting on an interview and from there I'll see what happens. Pray for a sister ;) 

You might be wondering why I'm only looking for a job now when I've been living without one for two years already. Well, dear readers, let me explain to you. I get an allowance from my parents back home and that money is supposed to be for my up keep and what not. I do have a monthly electric bill I have to cover too. I have noticed that I have poor money management skills. This is something I've been trying to get in check for quite some time now. So I thought to myself, "Why not get a job?" 

This was my logic. With a job, I'll have double the income so that's a plus for me. Besides that, I'm too young to just laze around. I'm nineteen by the way. Talk about age, I'm too old to only rely on my parents for income. Also, It think it's good for character build up. Yup, you read right. If you learn how to fend for yourself I'd say you're pretty much all well and good. 

In short, you have your "hustle". Somebody once said to me, "Don't knock down another man's hustle". I still remember those words till this day. 

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