Monday 3 February 2014


Another post from our anonymous writer.....

One night in my mind.

It is but an illusion when one finds love, it comes unexpected and when it comes it’s too intense to contain, the body yearns to spread it. 

As her name waltzes around in his memory castle, he tries to envision what life would be like had it not been for the choices he made that day. Standing in front of his ironing board, with a load of recently dried shirts, he stares through the window into the outside world baffled by the idea of how much he can’t stop think of her. He enjoys this part of doing his laundry as in that moment he is in total control of his thought process. There’s a certain clarity that he feels when he does his ironing, the world shifts from its usual revolution to taking a U-turn that takes him back through his past. As he places his first shirt on the board he drifts into a distant memory, which is played like a movie it starts from the beginning with the knock. 

Having heard his door bell on the first ring, he rush to the door kicking his dirty laundry aside and almost bumping into his antique one metre mirror, he comes to a halt, straightens his tie takes a deep breath and opens the door and there she was, the one that got away, she wore dress that caresses her tall, slim and slender body just enough to make every man in the world wish they were him. He finds himself lost in her beauty, his eyes scanning her like an airport metal detector. She voices out something, which was probably a greeting but his body had devoted all its attention to his eyes. Standing at the door his eyes locked in hers, through his peripheral view he could see that the dress she was wearing started almost fifteen centimetres above her knees, which made him nervous enough question his own dress code. It was more like an involuntary action when his mouth voiced the words “you smell nice!”, she laughs at almost the same time as the iron streamer turned on, back to reality his shirt was almost burning, instinctively he pulls the iron off and places it by the side inspects his shirt, mad at himself for drifting far too much in thought but also smiling at the thought he just had. 

She really looked beautiful that day, he prides himself at the fact that she agreed to go out with and not the other more popular guys at her school. She is the kind of girl that waits for the right person, All the guys that have gotten close to her never hold up to her moral standards. I guess you can say that she choose to go out with him because they are friends and with that comes a certain kind of contentment and safety.

As he presses the iron back and forth over his recently purchased Armani shirt, he races through the memory of that night, from the taxi, the thirty minute drive to the club and the fifteen minutes of waiting for his friends up until they were seated in front of the bar feeling a little embarrassed because counting the two bar tenders and the small group of people seated in the Conner booth, they were the only ones in the so called underground club. Music loud, nobody dancing, lights flickering and disco lights showering the room with colour.

 As time passed one by one the club filled up with people, most of which were guys. Trying to speak above the music was proving to be pointless so communication was mainly done by hand gestures. Seated there having a staring contest with his half-filled vodka glass, he looks to his friends and there she was, as beautiful as can be, even more so now that she had taken off her leather coat and let her hair loose, he tried as hard as he could to avoid any eye contact but in that moment for a split second his mind could not resist anymore and looked up, their eyes met for what seemed like a lifetime, lost in her eyes he gets up and asks her to dance, he can tell that she’s the kind to not like the spotlight, but to him nothing else matters it’s just him and her, the music, the lights, her smile and her eye’s. 

The night goes by smoothly some hours just before the sun rises they were back at his one bedroomed apartment, usually when she comes over he spends the night on the floor as she takes on his bed, but this time was different she choose to share the bed with him. Heart racing, thoughts pacing, mind blown, she was in his bed right next to him, the moment was perfect, they spend the next hour laughing and joking about everything and nothing. Even though it was dark under the sheets he could feel her staring at him as his face was so close to hers such that his nose was touching hers, at that moment when silence filled the room it was his move and his move only. He has done this before with his past girlfriends but with her it was different, she was different, she was his close friend he didn't want to risk ending a beautiful friendship. One can even say that the questions of “what if” got the better of him. Under the sheets he finds her hand and like an automatic action their fingers intertwine and she sinks to his chest.

Pulled from his thoughts it was the twilight of the day, he was done with his cloths, he picks everything, turns off the iron and heads to his bedroom.

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