Saturday 22 February 2014

WRITING: Are You Living Or Existing?

Look who's back for the third time today, me. Well well well. What do I have up my sleeves this time around? Looking at the title of this post, I'm sure you have an idea of what I'm going to talk about. Just a forewarning, I'll make quite a few references in this post. Okay, let's do this.

How would you define living and existing? For me, I'd say living is enjoying life. It's being a part of something and knowing that you are a part of it. Living is the very thing that hits us right at our core. Existing, however, is quite the opposite. When you exist you are nothing more than an object that occupies space.I mean this with no malice intended but that's just what it is. "Matter is any thing that occupies space and has volume", that's the primary school definition I was given of matter. So when you are not living but merely existing all you are is matter.

Living doesn't necessarily mean doing the impossible. No. Living to me is enjoying life like I said before. It could be on your own or with people preferably with those you love. When you live, you make memories. When you exist, there is nothing to remember. Every day and every minute is another chance to live.

Many times I find myself existing and I do ask myself why? No lie, this holiday has been quite enjoyable for me. I refused to exist. I made memories. Some awesome and some that make me cringe at the though of them but hey! That's all part of living.

Yesterday, I was about to be a kill joy. My friends wanted to go out and that "matter element" got to me. Thank God I eventually did go out with them. We left at around 11 PM and had a "late" dinner then headed off for some drinks. I loved it. I felt free. I was on a high even before taking anything I embraced my inner child and even danced on the street. Yup, you read right I danced on the street.

Me 21/02/2014

In the end, you're going to have to answer yourself. Did you live or simply exist. Years from now you'll look back and wonder what exactly you had done in your younger years. Where are your memories? Where are your stories to tell?

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