Monday 24 February 2014

WRITING: The Candy Crush Struggle

Hello there. Any Candy Crushers out there? I'm a crusher myself :) I'd say I was introduced to the game last summer around June-July. I was hooked just after a few games.

I'm currently on level 242. Maybe I'll pass it by the time this post is published. I'm writing this on my bed at four in the morning. Sleep has failed me and I'm waiting on my next life....the struggle.

Today, I'd like to share with you my Candy Crush story. Did you know that you can cheat your way to getting lives without waiting? It's easy actually. All you have to do is adjust the time on your device and voila, you have yourself a life without the wait.

I just shared with you a little secret but please do be cautious on how you use it. All in all, Candy Crush had 400 levels. At least that's what I got when I googled "how many levels are in Candy Crush?". I like to think I would have been in the 300s or somewhere closer if I hadn't been cheating.

Thing is, I got hooked in adjusting my time. I'd put my time ahead and get lives without having to go through the wait. I didn't just end there. I did the same with my quests. I don't like to link my game to Facebook because enjoy playing the quests. 

So, one day I just happened to play three quests in a period of about two hours. If you play the game, you'll realise that's crazy. Upon completion of a quest, you have to wait exactly 24 hours before you can play the next one. But no, I was too cool to wait. Sadly, I that time adjusting had gotten to my game. When I opened the app to play it, I found that my game had been restarted. Believe me when I say this, I was so bummed. I can't remember what level I was in at the time though. 

The Candy Crush struggle is real people. My little mishap put me in quite a mood. Imagine, a game got me down! Anyway, that's the past. Now it's time to look forward to the future.

I have told myself that come rain or sunshine, I am going to finish Candy Crush. I'm sure it will take me a while but this is something I don't plan on quiting. I'm an over comer, lol.

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