Sunday 2 March 2014

WRITING: I'm Going To Be Qouted

Dream, dreaming and dreamt/dreamed. Same word, difference tenses. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "I have a dream." Note the use of the word HAVE and not HAD. 

I too have a dream. I want to be quoted. That's right, I want somebody to say my words, have me quoted in publications and even during conversations. Funny dream, isn't it. I'm sure many of you weren't expecting that.

Lupita Nyong'o
2014 Oscars Best Supporting Actress
Thing is, I want to leave something behind. I want when my name is searched on google, more than my Facebook profile appears. No. I'm having none of that. I don't know when or where I'll be quoted but I know it will happen and when it does, it will only be the first of many times to come.

I like to read it sadly I haven't done a lot of it in the past two years. My favourite author is Sidney Sheldon, he's amazing. Anyway, in the Other Side Of Me, he makes reference to standing out from the crowd. I can't give a direct quotation but if memory serves me right, he said something about standing out from everyone else. He wanted to have his legacy and not die as a nobody. He spoke it and that's exactly what he got, his legacy. What's to stop me from getting mine?

"Those who dreamed achieved."

I dreamt, I still am dreaming and hopefully I will have achieved in the not too distant future.

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