Hello there! I'm trying to be a little enthusiastic here. It's two-thirty in the morning and I'm up on my laptop. Man, I just felt like I had to write something. Actually, I've been thinking about this post for about a week now but I just didn't know how to put it together. Before I go any further, this isn't about Drake's song The Motto.
"Aspire to inspire than to be inspired"..... Brilliant quote, isn't it? I don't know what it is but I always feel like I have this bigger picture. It's crazy. I mean, I've felt this way for quite a while now and the feeling just won't go away.
Whatever it is that I may do, I just hope it will be phenomenal. I always say I'm going to be quoted and I'll make sure it happens. That's just one of the many things I'd like to happen. Trust me, I do have some mighty big dreams. In all seriousness, where would we be without dreams?
"Those who dreamed, achieved," yet another brilliant quote. I don't know who said that but growing up it was printed on exercise books we'd use in school. Thinking back, I guess it was low key encouragement to hold on to your dreams.
Just think about, everybody's who's made a name for themselves. It definitely did not happen overnight. I wouldn't say I'm the best at giving a pep talk but just remember the motto- "Aspire to inspire than to be inspired."
"Aspire to inspire than to be inspired"..... Brilliant quote, isn't it? I don't know what it is but I always feel like I have this bigger picture. It's crazy. I mean, I've felt this way for quite a while now and the feeling just won't go away.
Whatever it is that I may do, I just hope it will be phenomenal. I always say I'm going to be quoted and I'll make sure it happens. That's just one of the many things I'd like to happen. Trust me, I do have some mighty big dreams. In all seriousness, where would we be without dreams?
"Those who dreamed, achieved," yet another brilliant quote. I don't know who said that but growing up it was printed on exercise books we'd use in school. Thinking back, I guess it was low key encouragement to hold on to your dreams.
Just think about, everybody's who's made a name for themselves. It definitely did not happen overnight. I wouldn't say I'm the best at giving a pep talk but just remember the motto- "Aspire to inspire than to be inspired."
"Don't give up. There are too many nay-sayers out there who will try to discourage you. Don't listen to them. The only one who can make you give up is yourself."
Sidney Sheldon
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