Sunday 6 August 2017

Featured Post

Here's a little something I got asked to share...

This world we living in, on the surface looks good, for kids and uninformed adults everything looks justifiable, this is because we have been conditioned to think this. 

Everything has always been about control, a small group of people controlling the masses, this is why I read Dan brown, he always tries to reveal the truth in fiction form but it is always written off as just entertainment, even when he says in the introduction that most of the places in this book you are about to read are actually places and factual.

The Romans built the coliseums to distract the masses from really looking at what the elites are doing, just fathering their own interests at the cost of everyone else, then Christianity came about and it was outlawed, emperor Nero was thought to be the anti-Christ because of how cruel he was towards the Christian’s, my name. The emperor use to boil people alive, feed them to the lions and people watched and probably cheered. Then Constantine saw that no matter how many Christian’s were murdered the number kept increasing so he made Christianity legal and the Romans adopted it, when you look at this reasoning it was done to still have control over the masses, this is how the Romans made it their own “damn it, I sound like a conspiracy theorist”. For this reason most Christian holidays coincide with pagan holidays, from Easter to Christmas, coincidence? I think not. The power then moved to the pope, I am catholic yes but this was really happening back then, the popes had both political and spiritual influence, the elites could push their agendas through religion, the crusades and the enslavement of Africans, YES, a pope signed a document that made it legal to enslave Africans because they were not Christian’s. Then the politics came about, the spread of democracy against communism, they pushed democracy in the places they invaded. And now we have to do it their way because their way is the only way we know.

Fast forward to 20th century, now it’s all about consumerism, corporations have the ultimate power, and politicians can be easily bought, removed and replaced if they do not comply, what world is this, do people know this, even just the one third, do they think like this or now it’s all about the Kardashian and who George RR martin is going to kill next. Big pharmaceutical companies have made people drug addicts, all the banks are pretty much Rothschild’s. KFC, Hungry Lion, sell unhealthy foods to the masses, just to make a profit. The hunger for power is so bad that they want to know your google search history and sim registration, so that they know what the masses want, to keep the numb, it has systematically been built on centuries of control, the elite still wanting to hold on to that power. 

In all this confusion and chaos I love him who blew life in me and them that show me how to love and her that lets me love.

-- Freshmingamer 1230

Wednesday 31 August 2016


Happy new year! Yes, I know we’re already into the final quarter of 2016. Seeing as I haven’t posted anything here in about I year, I figured why not just wish you all a happy new year J Anyway, I hope 2016 has been good to all of you. My year has been alright so far, I graduated but I’m currently unemployed. Trust me, four years of university does not prepare you for the unemployment that’s yet to come. I’m not totally bummed though; I do have quite a lot of free time on my hands now. Actually, I’ve made a few job applications here and there which haven’t yielded any results so far but I’m hopeful. Truth be told, I’d much rather do my masters but it seems like that will have to be put on hold for now. I guess it’s just me and my job search for now. Wow, I think that’s more than enough from me. There’s my little update for you all. 

So I guess I can now get to writing this post. Here we go......

I think I may have mentioned in my earlier blog posts that I write as things come to me. For some reason I can’t seem to get the hang of writing my thoughts somewhere before I publish them here on my blog. I’m saying this to let you know beforehand (that’s if you’re a new reader) that my posts may go around in circles until I eventually get to what I am trying to say. With that being said, I shall now begin. *I’m for real this time*
I’ve been feeling a little down the past few days. Uhm, I don’t think I can pinpoint a particular reason as to my current disposition.  Nonetheless, I’m feeling much better today. I guess getting back to writing has helped.  I actually took a break out from cleaning my room to write this. Anyway, as humans it’s normal to feel down every once in a while. We are emotional creatures and some feel more than others. What I’m trying to say is that we all handle our emotions differently. What may be bothering you may not seem as such a big deal to someone else. However, that’s not to say that it is any less of an issue. I wrote something sometime last year about being grateful. I’ll put the link right underneath this post. 

I know sometimes it’s difficult to say if you’re unhappy or express how you truly feel for fear of being called ungrateful. That is not the case. I realized something recently, It’s okay to feel down, it’s okay to feel unhappy and it’s also okay to complain. Regardless of your type of personality, we all feel unhappy sometimes. There’s nothing worse than feeling unhappy and bottling the feeling inside. I personally feel that no matter how strong you are, bottling your displeasure about something will eat you up on the inside. 
A lot of times we don’t get the chance to address our problems but when the time does come, I advise you seize the opportunity. Even the you may not get the chance to directly confront the person or situation, I’ve come to realize that it helps to talk to someone about it. I have a really good friend who I’ve known for six years now. He’s my go to guy. There are times when he’s unable to help but simply talking to him does the trick. He’d be so flattered if he knew I wrote this about him, lol.
I think that’s about it. Besides, I do really need to get back to cleaning my room. I wish you all a happy last quarter of 2016. I’m outta here...

P.S. Don’t forget, it’s okay to complain.

Wednesday 29 April 2015


It's Spring, yay! Truth be told, I'm not really that optimistic. Nonetheless, happy spring to you all. You may or may no know but I'm currently in North Cyprus. The beginning of spring is a reminder that the insatiable heat of summer will soon be upon us. Goodness! Summer here is so hot and I'm actually kind of dreading it. I must say, I have enjoyed the sun rays hitting my back and the much milder weather but lurking at the back of my mind is the inferno that is yet to come. Yikes!

The weather aside, I feel absolutely horrible. I'm down with a sore throat and a headache. I'd spent pretty much of my day in bed as I simply couldn't find it in me to gather up some strength. It's 7 pm and I'm finally out of bed. I had to get myself dinner. Lol, food was my motivator. Oh, that and the fat I was meant  to get myself some lemons to help combat this sore throat. You can imagine the predicament I'm in. I'm left to taking lemon tea in this kind of weather. Help me Lord. What else can I do? I really am in no position to get into town and buy a few meds. 

I think that should be all for now. My little update for the day. I believe my last post was sometime in February. If you had read it, I'm happy to say that things are a lot better with my friends now. Until my next blog post, it's ta-ta from me.

Saturday 28 February 2015

WRITING: Release

I don't know where to begin.It's 3 pm and I'm seated typing this out. Do you ever feel like you just can't get something right? I know I normally post about looking at the brighter side of things. This time around, I feel down. I thought of going out for a walk to clear my head but I'm down with a terrible cold. Could it get any worse? It looks like writing was my net best option.

Any chance you know of Post Secret? Well, it's a website where people's secrets are posted anonymously. I read it every Sunday. This is how it works, all you have to do is send in your secret as a post card and it gets published. I think there's now an app too. That aside, I feel like there is some sort of release in sharing secrets this way. I believe the beauty lies in the fact that your inner most secret has been shared but you are still concealed by the anonymity it Post Secret gives you.

Many times I tell people about Post Secret and I'm almost always asked if I've sent in a secret of my own. No, I have not. Maybe one of these days I'll get my lazy self to the post office and send in a secret of my own. The thing is, often times I see myself in the secrets posted by others. II think I've kind of lost track of where this post is going. Nonetheless, I shall continue to write and see where it's heading.

Got it! I think  I'll just get into what prompted me to write in the first place. I don't know but I think is some sort of a release for me. Other than the information I have provided to you in my posts, I'd say I'm still consoled by the fact that you don't know me after all. Apparently, there something in sharing a secret or any other thought when you know that you are concealed in a way. There's some sort of comfort in that.

As I was saying, before I drifted off yet again. I went to bed in a funk and woke up hardly feeling any better. My cold might just have a role to play in my  current disposition. Call me whiny but I feel like I'm drifting from the people closest to me. Wait, maybe I should say we are drifting from each other. It's one of those stories of a really good group of friends who slowly start to grow apart from each other. Last night didn't help in the least as there was some disagreement. Imagine, on my friend's birthday of all days. I don't know just how much I should let out but I feel this is okay for now. If I feel the need to release again, I'll be back :) I just made myself smile, that's a good thing I guess.

Looks like I might just go for that walk after all.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

MOVIES: 50 Shades of Grey (Review)

50 Shades of Grey. Where do I begin? First things first, I have not read the book but it did make quite a buzz when it was published. As for the movie, I only got round to seeing it yesterday. Checking a few blogs here and there, the movie adaption on average has a two star rating.


Personally, I'd say the hype I had for the movie could be because 1) I had not read the book and 2) The trailer with Beyonce's remix of 'Crazy In Love' got me hooked. Don't judge me, lol. Now, to get into the nitty-gritty. 


The plot basically is, college girl falls in love with a young and alluring millionaire. Little does she know, he lives a life hidden from those around, even his parents. As a child he did not have a good start in life Born to a crack-head mother, he was exposed to a not so pleasant world. Nonetheless, he is adopted by an influential family. However, at the age of fifteen, he is exposed to a world of submissive/dominant sexual relations by his mother's friend whom he ironically maintains contain with -imagine that.

Turns out this becomes a part of our young and dashing Christian Grey. Then comes Anastasia, you and what I'd call longing (couldn't think of a better term to use). After interviewing Christian Grey, as a favor for her roommate, she feels an attraction to him. I mean who wouldn't? That penetrating gaze of his could leave any woman shaken. 

This attraction gets stronger and physical until Anastasia finds herself partaking in sexual acts involving bondage, whips, chains and all sorts of things. Trust me, I think my mouth dropped open when I saw what Christian called his "Play Room." Fast forward, Anastasia can't seem to crack Grey open and get the intimacy she desired from him. After prompting, she asks Christian to do his worst punishment. Poor girl couldn't take it. It was six strokes of a whip on her naked skin. Spoiler alert! She ends things but truth be told, the ending sucks.The end sees Anastasia in the elevator and Ethan calling out to her. Talk about an anti-climax.

Overall, the most unnerving aspect of the movie is the whole submissive/dominant relationship (if you can call it).  

Track listing

No. Title

1. "I Put a Spell on You" (Fifty Shades of Grey)
Annie Lennox
2. "Undiscovered"  
Laura Welsh
3. "Earned It" (Fifty Shades Of Grey)
The Weeknd
4. "Meet Me in the Middle"  
Jessie Ware
5. "Love Me Like You Do"  
Ellie Goulding
6. "Haunted" (Michael Diamond Remix)
7. "Salted Wound"  
8. "Beast of Burden"  
The Rolling Stones
9. "I'm on Fire"  
10. "Crazy in Love" (2014 Remix)
11. "Witchcraft"  
Frank Sinatra
12. "One Last Night"  
13. "Where You Belong"  
The Weeknd
14. "I Know You"  
Skylar Grey
15. "Ana and Christian"  
Danny Elfman
16. "Did That Hurt?"  
Danny Elfman