Wednesday 29 April 2015


It's Spring, yay! Truth be told, I'm not really that optimistic. Nonetheless, happy spring to you all. You may or may no know but I'm currently in North Cyprus. The beginning of spring is a reminder that the insatiable heat of summer will soon be upon us. Goodness! Summer here is so hot and I'm actually kind of dreading it. I must say, I have enjoyed the sun rays hitting my back and the much milder weather but lurking at the back of my mind is the inferno that is yet to come. Yikes!

The weather aside, I feel absolutely horrible. I'm down with a sore throat and a headache. I'd spent pretty much of my day in bed as I simply couldn't find it in me to gather up some strength. It's 7 pm and I'm finally out of bed. I had to get myself dinner. Lol, food was my motivator. Oh, that and the fat I was meant  to get myself some lemons to help combat this sore throat. You can imagine the predicament I'm in. I'm left to taking lemon tea in this kind of weather. Help me Lord. What else can I do? I really am in no position to get into town and buy a few meds. 

I think that should be all for now. My little update for the day. I believe my last post was sometime in February. If you had read it, I'm happy to say that things are a lot better with my friends now. Until my next blog post, it's ta-ta from me.