Thursday 12 June 2014

WRITING: Count Your Blessings

There's a Christian song that goes something like this, "Count your blessings one by one. Come and see what the Lord has  done." I've sang this song a few times without really understanding or should I say paying much attention to what I was actually singing. There are times I would feel so low and my mood will be down. Sometimes this may last a week or so.

However, something happened to me last night that made me entirely grateful to God.How many times do we ask God why? How many times do we forget about his mercies? I'm not going to act all holier than thou. No sir, I will not. All I'm saying is sometimes we need these wake up calls. Last night wasn't my first wake up call, neither will it be my last. I like to think that every now and then God presents us with situations just to realise how blessed we are.

One man's trash is another man's treasure, so they say. I once watched a short story on a poor boy who was constantly teased because of his tattered shoes and clothing. One day, after going through his usual routine of being tormented, he went to the park and looked down at his worn out shoes. Spotting a bench nearby, he went and sat down. Upon sitting down, he noticed the pair of shoes worn by the boy sitting right next to him. Oh, how he wished he had such shoes on his feet! Before he knew it, he was in the other boy's body and vice-versa. Looking down, he admires the new shoes on his feet. However, he tries to get up and to his dismay he can't stand up. Turns out the boy was paralysed from the waist down. As his nanny came to whisk him away from the bench in a wheelchair, he takes a look back and sees his former self running around gleefully.

I'll leave you with that little story. You could say it's something to chew on. I'll leave you to figure out the moral of the story by yourselves. Bless.